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/*globals Bawolff getElementsByClassName hookEvent wgServer wgArticlePath addLoadEvent*/
__This is Ticker2-0.9__
This is an attempt to redesign the ticker system. I believe that well the current ticker system is a good idea, it can be improved on
Then again, this may just be overthinking things. time will tell.
Design goals
*modular - should be able to have more then one transition between items
*user configurable - should be able to customize on wiki (aka {{ticker|for=Africa|speed=...}})
**The user should never have to do anything in js
**Downside: have to be extra-careful about XSS
*fast - performance was an issue with the other system
*Doesn't handle multilevel lists well
*onblur/onfocus?? (works in opera, firefox, broken in MSIE)
*change intro string to a control string with escape sequences (think printf)
**Play/pause button
*better fade transitions (current one kind of sucks)
*Change state system to number instead of T,F,U.
*make fade work in IE
*multiple speed variables
Note: Setting disable_ticker2 to true will disable the ticker.
//to avoid name conflicts (we already have way to many global variables as is imho)
//Everything should be a member of Bawolff.Ticker
if (typeof Bawolff !== "object") Bawolff = {};
if (typeof Bawolff.Ticker === "Object") throw new Error("Can not initilize ticker. Already initilized, or someone stole its name!");
Bawolff.Ticker = function() {
This is the constructor function for new Ticker objects. Call as:
var some_ticker_object = new Bawolff.Ticker;
Its primary purpose is to set defaults and create new Ticker objects. It takes no arguments.
Ticker Objects should have the following methods:
*setUp - set up ticker properties (and does sanity checks)
*engines - functions for transitions
probably more
var t_s = Bawolff.Ticker; //shortcut
this.arg = ""; //defaults to none, if uspecified. (should this be an arg to this function?). unphrased definition of options
this.elm = null; //element to work ticker magic on. setUp method will throw an error if this isn't set by then
//method setUp will take care of these. These are the actual options (defaults here)
this.engineNumb = t_s.eng.none; //constant representing engine number
this.speed = 1; //float - multiplication factor
//Probably can't set these to null through wiki
this.strLeft = "Legfrissebb hírek ("; //Intro string part 1 - null for none
this.strRight = "):"; //intro part 3 - null for none
this.strLinkURI = "//ált"; //part 2 url
this.strLinkText = "összes"; //part 2 text. null for no link.
this.schowControls = false; //pause/restart
this.tickSpeed = 1;
//Internal thingies (don't change)
this.listIndex = 0;
this.charIndex = 0;
this.curState = "ok"; //for pausing
this.resumeFunc = null; //storage for resume function
this.resumeDelay = 0; //wait time before executing
Bawolff.Ticker.prototype.setUp = function() {
This function takes no arguments. call as:
It initilizes ticker options based on what the class name of the ticker element is.
The options are (mostly) encoded as follows in a class attribute:
Ticker_<option name- no dashes, underscore allowed>-<urlencoded option value(must end in alphanumeric or _ character)>
options are separated by a space (each is a different class).
##This function must be extra careful not to be ##
##vulnurable to an xss attack as it directly ##
##deals with editable on wiki data, that could be##
##malicious! be careful ##
//check to see if we really have an element
if (!(this.elm && this.elm.nodeType && this.elm.nodeType === 1)) throw new Error("no element, or invalid element for ticker");
var propMatch = /\bTicker_(\w+)-(\S*)\b/g;
var res;
var plusSign = /\+/g;
while(res = propMatch.exec(this.arg)) {
switch(res[1]) { //option name
case "speed":
var speed = parseFloat(decodeURIComponent(res[2]));
if (isNaN(speed)) break;
speed = 1/speed; //turn delay into speed multiplier
if (speed < 1e-5) break;
if (speed > 1e2) break;
this.speed = speed;
case "strRight":
res[2] = res[2].replace(plusSign, '%20');//encode + with % encode. does this work w/unicode
res[2] = res[2].replace('%00', '');
this.strRight = decodeURIComponent(res[2]);
case "strLeft":
res[2] = res[2].replace(plusSign, '%20');//encode + with % encode. does this work w/unicode
res[2] = res[2].replace('%00', '');
this.strLeft = decodeURIComponent(res[2]);
case "strLinkText":
res[2] = res[2].replace(plusSign, '%20');//encode + with % encode. does this work w/unicode
res[2] = res[2].replace('%00', '');
this.strLinkText = decodeURIComponent(res[2]);
case "strLinkURI":
//despite name, actually local page name, not a URI
var page = encodeURIComponent(res[2]); //note encode not decode
if (page.match(/^special(%3A|:)userlogout/i)) break; //link is malicious
this.strLinkURI = (page.length > 0) ? wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace("$1", page) : null;
case "engine":
//takes a literal engine name
var engName = decodeURIComponent(res[2]);
if (engName.match(/^\d+$/)||engName.length === 0) break;
this.engineNumb = (typeof Bawolff.Ticker.eng[engName] === "number" ? Bawolff.Ticker.eng[engName] : this.engineNumb);
//throw new Error("not implemented");
this.bigList = this.elm.getElementsByTagName("li"); //items to cycle ticker through
this.listLength = this.bigList.length;
Bawolff.Ticker.prototype.start = function() {
//Start the ticker sets it up as well) separate from restart
Creates a <ul class="actualTicker"> - actualTicker
<span class="tickerIntroduction">(into <a class="tickerLink">stuff</a>):</span> - realTicker
<li > ...</li> (dummyItem)
*/ = "none"; //hide the list
var actualTicker = this.tickerElm = document.createElement("ul");
actualTicker.className = "actualTicker";
var realTicker = document.createElement("Span");
realTicker.className = "tickerIntroduction";
var realTickerLink = document.createElement("a");
realTickerLink.href= this.strLinkURI;
realTickerLink.title = this.strLinkText;
realTickerLink.className = "tickerLink";
//Start the 2nd (Actual) span
var dummyItem = document.createElement("li");
this.elm.parentNode.insertBefore(actualTicker, this.elm);
this[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[this.engineNumb]](true); //Start the engine (ticker)
Bawolff.Ticker.prototype.pause = function () {
this.curState = "paused";
Bawolff.Ticker.prototype.restart = function () {
if (this.curState !== "paused") return false;
this.curState = "ok";
window.setTimeout(this.resumeFunc, this.resumeDelay);
functions that are direct properties of the ticker constructor (not in prototype chain)
Bawolff.Ticker.eng = []; //Stores object mapping engine name to engine number
Bawolff.Ticker.registerEngine = function (engName, engine) {
This function takes care of hooking up engines (transitions)
into the system.
Arguments: String engName - name of engine (can not be a number)
function engine - function containing engine code
Structure of what an engine should look like is noted somewhere (FIXME)
//to prevent screwing around with length property. considered an array index, even if passed a string with an interger value
if (typeof engName !== "string" || (engName.match(/^\d+$/) !== null)) throw new Error("Invalid engine name. (can't be a number)");
var te_s = Bawolff.Ticker.eng;
var listLen = te_s.length;
te_s[listLen] = "eng-" + engName;
te_s[engName] = listLen;
Bawolff.Ticker.prototype["eng-" + engName] = engine; //is that really the best way to add the engine functions?
Bawolff.Ticker.registerEngine("none", function(state) {
This function is a dummy transition (no animation, but changes it)
called as:
tick() - advance one letter forward (unused)
tick(flase) - last tick before break
tick(true) - set up/first tick
if (!state) return true; //Shouldn't happen as null transition. normally can't do this
if (state) {
var newItem = this.bigList[this.listIndex].cloneNode(true); //true means deep
this.tickerElm.replaceChild(newItem, this.tickerElm.lastChild);
this.listIndex >= this.listLength ? this.listIndex = 0: true;
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
cur_obj[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[cur_obj.engineNumb]].call(cur_obj, true);
var resD = 7000*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.resetSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
Bawolff.Ticker.registerEngine("std", function(state) {
This function is a standard - 1 char at a time ticker
//this is not the greatest done tick function. In a paticular it expects a list formated
// a specific way, and does not handle exceptional conditions as it should
//this should be fixed later
called as:
tick() - advance one letter forward (unused)
tick(flase) - last tick before break
tick(true) - set up/first tick
if (state === false) { = this.fullItem.substring(0,this.charIndex); // kill ...
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
cur_obj[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[cur_obj.engineNumb]].call(cur_obj, true);
var resD = 7000*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.resetSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
if (state === void 0) { //undefined as in normal tick
if (this.charIndex === this.fullItem.length) {
//if we're done
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
cur_obj[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[cur_obj.engineNumb]].call(cur_obj, false);
var resD = 60*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.tickSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
return true;
this.charIndex++; = this.fullItem.substring(0,this.charIndex) + '...';
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
var resD = 60*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.tickSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
return true;
if (state) {
var newItem = this.bigList[this.listIndex].cloneNode(true); //true means deep
//This still doesn't handle exceptional situations as good as possible, but it won't indef loop or freeze
if (newItem.firstChild.firstChild !== null) { //Link and then text
this.fullItem =; = "";
} else if (newItem.firstChild !== null) { //just text
this.fullItem =;
newItem.replaceChild(document.createElement("span"), newItem.firstChild);
} else { //input confused script. send error message
newitem.insertBefore(document.createElement("strong"), null);
newitem.firstChild.className = "error";
newitem.firstChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Error: List item incorrectly formated for this ticker type. Please use unformatted text, or a single unformatted link (or otherwise one element deep)."));
this.fullItem =; = "";
this.charIndex = 0;
this.tickerElm.replaceChild(newItem, this.tickerElm.lastChild);
this.listIndex >= this.listLength ? this.listIndex = 0: true;
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
Bawolff.Ticker.registerEngine("fade", function(state) {
This function is a fade in effect
This is relies on Css3+MSIE extentions, and thus isn't all that cross browser compatible
called as:
tick() - advance one letter forward (unused)
tick(flase) - last tick before break
tick(true) - set up/first tick
if (state === false) { //sleep
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
cur_obj[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[cur_obj.engineNumb]].call(cur_obj, true);
var resD = 7000*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.resetSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
if (state === void 0) { //undefined as in normal tick
if (this.charIndex === 100) {
//if we're done
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
cur_obj[Bawolff.Ticker.eng[cur_obj.engineNumb]].call(cur_obj, false);
var resD = 40*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.tickSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
return true;
Bawolff.setTrans(this.tickerElm.lastChild, this.charIndex/100);
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
var resF = function() {
var resD = 40*cur_obj.speed*cur_obj.tickSpeed;
if (this.curState === "paused") {
this.resumeFunc = resF;
this.resumeDelay = resD;
} else { //assume "ok" but allow other states
window.setTimeout(resF, resD);
return true;
if (state) {
this.charIndex = 0;
var newItem = this.bigList[this.listIndex].cloneNode(true); //true means deep
Bawolff.setTrans(newItem, 0);
(navigator && navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer") ? = 'inline-block' : true;
this.tickerElm.replaceChild(newItem, this.tickerElm.lastChild);
this.listIndex >= this.listLength ? this.listIndex = 0: true;
var cur_obj = this; //needed, as otherwise executes in context of window
/*Not really used. To make all pause call Bawolff.Ticker.allDo("pause");
Bawolff.Ticker.allDo = function (func) {
var l = Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers.length;
for (var i=0;i<l;i++) {
Bawolff.Ticker.allDoPause = function () {
var l = Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers.length;
for (var i=0;i<l;i++) {
Bawolff.Ticker.allDoRestart = function () {
var l = Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers.length;
for (var i=0;i<l;i++) {
Bawolff.setTrans = function(elm, opacity/*1 being full visible, 0 being invisible*/) {
if (!Bawolff.setTrans.opacityMethod) {
//standard way (CSS3)
if ( && (typeof != "undefined")) {
Bawolff.setTrans.opacityMethod = 1;
else if ( && (typeof != "undefined")) { //old moz
Bawolff.setTrans.opacityMethod = 2;
else if ( && (typeof != "undefined")) {
Bawolff.setTrans.opacityMethod = 3;
else {
//throw new Error("opacity is not supported on this platform (or this script needs to be fixed to include support on your platform");
switch (Bawolff.setTrans.opacityMethod) {
case 1: = opacity;
case 2: = opacity;
case 3: = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity*100 + ")"; //No guarantees this works
//do nothing, so other browsers not inconvianced
Bawolff.Ticker.init = function () {
//handled elsewhere if (!document.getElementById("enableTickers")) return false; //Bcause getting all elements by class is expensive
var tickerList = getElementsByClassName(document.body, "div", "isATicker");
var l = tickerList.length;
var i = 0; //index of which ticker we are on.
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers = [];
if (document.getElementById("singleTickerForPage")) { //for simplifications. if only one on page
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i] = new Bawolff.Ticker;
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i].elm = document.getElementById("singleTickerForPage");
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i].arg = document.getElementById("singleTickerForPage").className;
for (;i<l;i++) {
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i] = new Bawolff.Ticker;
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i].elm = tickerList[i];
Bawolff.Ticker.allTickers[i].arg = tickerList[i].className;
if (!(navigator && navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer")) {
//blur sometimes fires too much on MSIE and makes things not work
hookEvent('blur', Bawolff.Ticker.allDoPause);//stop anim on loss of focus, and restart it on gain of focus. hookEvent from wikibits
hookEvent('focus', Bawolff.Ticker.allDoRestart);
Bawolff.Ticker.init(); //already from a load event